
Brightspot CMS User Guide

Page structure

This topic provides a detailed overview of page structure within Brightspot as well as ideas on the best way to set up the pages within your site.

Elements of a page structure

Laying out the elements of a web page is a basic step for deploying a website. At the highest level, a page’s structure specifies a header, main section, and footer.

Page structure header.png Page structure header.png

The following accordions describe each element in detail.


A header is a consistent piece of content that appears at the top of each page in a website. Brightspot provides the following components that you can include in a header:
  • Logo—Publisher’s logo, usually appears in the left or right side of the header.
  • Search field—Field for visitors to search for content.
  • Navigation—Tools for navigating a website, often containing links to sections, packages, or individual items.
The following illustration is an example of a typical header’s layout.

Header example.png Header example.png


Unlike the header and footer, the main section is a piece of content that is unique on each page in a website. For example, take a look at NASA’s remarkable gallery . Paging through the gallery displays a consistent header and footer, but an almost endless series of unique images in the main section.

The following diagram is an example of a simple main section for a news article. A lead image appears at the top, the article follows below it, the author’s bio is wrapped inside the article, and a section for reader comments appears at the bottom. This is one structure for a main section. You can design a main section with many different layouts. You can also have different layouts for different sections of your website.

Page structure main.png Page structure main.png


A footer is a consistent piece of content that appears at the bottom of each page in a website. Footers typically have publication information and navigation.

Footer example.png Footer example.png

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