Brightspot CMS User Guide

Brightspot CMS accessibility conformance report

Brightspot CMS Accessibility Conformance Report
(Based on VPAT® Version 2.4)

  • Name of Product/Version: Brightspot CMS
  • Report Date: May 26, 2023
  • Product Description: Web application
  • Contact Information:  
  • Evaluation Methods Used: The following applications were used to evaluate this product:
    • Desktop Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
    • Accessibility testing tools: Browser developer tools.
  • Applicable Standards/Guidelines: This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standards/guidelines:
Standard/GuidelineIncluded in Report
Level AYes
Level AAYes
Level AAANo
Level AYes
Level AAYes
Level AAANo


The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

  • Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
  • Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
  • Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
  • Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
  • Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.x Level AAA.

WCAG 2.x Report

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.x Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the .

Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks and Explanations
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS provides text alternatives for non-text content.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have prerecorded audio-only or video-only content.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have prerecorded audio content.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have prerecorded video content.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS exposes all semantics.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS presents content in a meaningful reading sequence.
  (Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not rely on sensory characteristics for instructions.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not only rely on color to convey information.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have audio content.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS can be operated using only the keyboard.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not cause keyboard traps.
(Level A 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS key shortcuts are active only on focus.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have content with timeouts.
(Level A)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have content that blinks, scrolls, or updates regularly.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not have flashing content.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS provides headings on each section of content as well as keyboard shortcuts that allow the users to to skip to various locations of the user interface.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS the name of the area, such as Sites & Settings, for the page title. 
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS has a meaningful focus order.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS has meaningful link phrases.
(Level A 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not have any functionality that uses multipoint or path-based gestures.
(Level A 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not use the down-event to execute any function.
(Level A 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS ensures that a visible label is contained in an accessible name.
(Level A 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not rely on motion actuation to execute any function.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS identifies the language of a page.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not cause a change of context on focus.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not cause a change of context on input.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS detects input errors and describes them to the user in text.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS provides labels or instructions when content requires user input.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS has no parsing errors.
(Level A)SupportsBrightspot CMS provides the correct name, role, and value for all user interface components.

Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks
(Level AA)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have live audio content.
(Level AA)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have prerecorded video content.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS identifies the purpose of each input when it can, but most inputs are generic or specific for an implementation.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS has sufficient contrast between the foreground and background colors by default, but it can be customized in a way where it does not.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS can be operated without loss of content or functionality when the text is resized up to 200 percent.
(Level AA)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have images of text.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS can present most of its user interface without loss of information or functionality with either its width at 320 pixels or its height at 256 pixels.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS has sufficient contrast between user interface components and the background color.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS can be operated without loss of content or functionality when text spacing is changed.
(Level AA 2.1 only)SupportsBrightspot CMS does not present additional content on hover or focus.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS has multiple ways of locating content.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS has headings and labels that are descriptive.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS has a visible focus indicator.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS identifies the language of parts.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS has a consistent navigation mechanism.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS components are identified consistently.
(Level AA)SupportsBrightspot CMS detects and provides suggestions for an input error.
(Level AA)Not ApplicableBrightspot CMS does not have any functionality that causes legal commitments or financial transactions.
(Level AA 2.1 only)Does Not Support

Table 3: Success Criteria, Level AAA

Notes: Not Evaluated. Brightspot CMS was not evaluated for WCAG 2.1 Level AAA conformance.

Legal Disclaimer

© 2023 , DBA Brightspot. As of the date of publication indicated above, this report represents the current view of Brightspot regarding information about the Brightspot® platform relating to information outlined in the ITI’s “VPAT® 2.4 Revised Section 508 Standards”. Brightspot cannot guarantee that any information in this Conformance Report will remain accurate after date of publication, but works continuously to monitor the accessibility of the product. Any modification or customization to the Brightspot platform may render some or all of this Conformance Report to become inapplicable. This report is provided “as is” and for informational purposes only.

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