
Brightspot CMS User Guide

Rich-text editor

Brightspot's rich-text editor provides tools for formatting text (such as boldface or italics), inserting images, videos, and hyperlinks, and many other features available in traditional word processors. The image below provides an example of a rich-text editor in Brightspot.

Rich-text editor toolbar Rich-text editor toolbar

The standard rich-text editor provides the following features, however, your implementation may vary as to what is included:

  • Formatting: Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript
  • Alignments: Left, Center, Right
  • Lists and Indentation: Bulleted lists, Numbered lists, Left Indent, Right Indent
  • Hyperlinks: Internal, External
  • Block quotes
  • Headings
  • Pull quotes
  • Attachments
  • Media: Image, Gallery, Video, Playlist, Module, Embed
  • Tables
  • Unicode keyboard
  • Track changes mode
  • Comment mode
  • Undo and redo
  • Find and replace mode
  • Full-screen
The following section applies only to Brightspot v4.8.

As the width of the rich-text editor decreases, many of the options are nested under more_horiz. The width may change due to preview being open, screen resolution, screen size, etc.

RTE more menu.jpg RTE more menu.jpg
Options nested under the more menu
Brightspot provides full support for the UTF-8 encoding standard. If you are publishing in a character set that conforms to this standard, editors can work natively in Brightspot, and visitors interact naturally with your published pages.

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Formatting text in the rich-text editor
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