
Brightspot CMS User Guide

Site-specific settings

Some settings are specific to your site, meaning they are not available at the Global level and thus do not cascade down the hierarchy. This topic details these settings.

Site-specific settings—Main tab

SEO Display NameAppends this value in the <title> tag to the asset's title.

For example, if you have an article Benefits of GraphQL, and in this field you add GraphQL API Site, then the title tag is <title>Benefits of GraphQL - GraphQL API Site</title>.
URLsList of URLs that prefix all pages in this site.

Brightspot truncates any trailing slashes. For example, an entry https://www.example.com in this list creates URLs of the form https://www.example.com/example-page.

For details, see Site URLs.

Site-specific settings—Front-End tab

Type Specific Overrides
Type Specific Landing Page ContentAllows you to separately configure the layout of various landing pages.

For example, your site displays a list of quotes on every landing page; however, for blog landing pages, you want to include a list of promos after the quote list.

This field allows you to specify that you want to include additional assets (in this case, a list of promos) before, after, or instead of the content that is already configured on any give landing page (in this case, a list of quotes).
EnabledEnables AMP on this site. For details, see AMP.
TypesContent types for which you want AMP available.
Authentication / Authorization
Authentication SettingsSelect the settings you configured to authenticate visitors. For details, see Understanding authentication and authorization in Brightspot.
Authorization SettingsSelect the settings you configured to authorize visitors. For details, see Understanding authentication and authorization in Brightspot.
Content Discovery
Front-End Accessible SitesSelect the sites to which you want the current site's assets be available in dynamic results.

For example, if the current site is Brightspot, and you select Example in this field, then a dynamically populated module on the Example site can include assets from the Brightspot site.
Sitemap Settings
Site Map TypesSelect the type of site map (Standard, News, or Video). Through these various supported sitemap formats, Brightspot provides additional information about your , , and content to search engines.
Site Map Default URLThe default URL used to build the links within the sitemaps. Brightspot recommends that this be set to your public facing domain that you want search engines to crawl and index. Defaults to the site's current URL.

For details on submitting a sitemap to Google, see .

Site-specific settings—CMS tab

CMS LogoSets a logo that replaces the hyperlinked site name in the left of the header. For details, see Logo.
Preview URLSets a URL to be used when previewing assets.
Site CategoryAssigns the current site to a specified site category. For details, see Creating site categories.
Content Discovery
All Sites AccessibleMakes assets from all other sites accessible to the current site in Brightspot search.

For example, the current site is Brightspot. There are three other sites: Example, GraphQL, and Editing Site. Toggling this setting makes all assets from these three sites accessible to editors working in the Brightspot site.

For details, see Enabling asset sharing between sites.
Accessible SitesMakes assets from specified sites accessible to the current site in Brightspot search.

For example, the current site is Brightspot. There are three other sites: Example, GraphQL, and Editing Site. Selecting GraphQL and Editing Site in this field makes all assets from those two sites accessible to editors working in the Brightspot site.

For details, see Enabling asset sharing between sites.
Sites With Read AccessPermits other sites to read the current site's assets without having to switch to the current site.

For example, the article Benefits of GraphQL is owned by the Brightspot site. Selecting the Example site in this field allows users in the Example site to view Benefits of GraphQL without having to switch to the Brightspot site.

For details, see Sites widget.
Localization Badge DisplayDisplays locale badges in the following places to indicate the locale when creating new assets:
  • In the header.
  • In the editorial toolbar when creating or modifying an asset.
This field defaults to the first locale set in the current site.
Available LocalesSpecify to which locales the assets in this site can be translated.
Site Copier
Allow Site CopyAllows you to make a copy of this site. For details, see Copying a site.
Enable Enhanced SEO UIAdds additional SEO fields and settings to a content type's SEO tab, it if has one. For details, see Configuring SEO for an asset.
CMS CSS ClassAdds an invisible CSS class that is inserted in the <head> element of the data object model.
Show Models Without Handlebars In ThemeEnable during development or to support purely headless themes without Handlebars files.
Always Generate PermalinksAutomatically generates permalinks when creating new assets. The permalinks are not published until the asset is published.
Single Generated PermalinksForces the generated permalink to replace existing URLs.
This setting is helpful before a site is live, when the URL structure is still being adjusted.

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