
Brightspot CMS User Guide

Understanding content types, dynamic tag categories, and dynamic tags

The first step in developing a dynamic taxonomy is to create dynamic tag categories and dynamic tags. The following illustration is an example of a cookbook taxonomy with three dynamic tag categories: Meat, Poultry, and Vegetables. Within each dynamic tag category there are four dynamic tags.

Taxonomy for a cookbook Taxonomy for a cookbook
Taxonomy for a cookbook

The second step is to associate the dynamic tag categories with content types. Referring to the following illustration, the dynamic tag categories Meat and Poultry apply only to the content type Dinner, and the dynamic tag category Vegetables applies to both Lunch and Dinner.

Dynamic taxonomy with content types Dynamic taxonomy with content types
Dynamic taxonomy with content types

In this scenario, editors can select from all three dynamic tag categories when creating dinners, but from only one dynamic tag category when creating lunches.

Dynamic tag categories for a content type (dinner) Dynamic tag categories for a content type (dinner)
Dynamic tag categories for a content type (dinner)
Dynamic tag categories for a content type (lunch) Dynamic tag categories for a content type (lunch)
Dynamic tag categories for a content type (lunch)
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Creating a dynamic tag category
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