
Brightspot CMS User Guide

Configuring Quick View at the profile level

You can configure a quick view for items in the Recent Activity widget and in search interfaces like the search panel and content pickers. Quick view provides an at-a-glance view of an asset's fields as well as a preview of what the asset looks like on your site. See Using Quick View for more information.

To configure Quick View at the profile level:

  1. In the header, click your username > Profile.
  2. Click CMS
  3. Expand the Quick View cluster.
  4. Click add_circle_outline Add Quick View Type Settings.
  5. Expand the Content Type field and select the content type for which you want to enable Quick View.
  6. Expand the Fields drop-down, and select the fields from the content type you just selected that are displayed in your Quick View.
    The Fields drop-down is not available until you select a content type. This is because the Fields drop-down is populated by the fields available on the content type you selected.
    Quick View setting at profile level.jpg Quick View setting at profile level.jpg
    Adding Quick View settings at the profile level
  7. To see a small preview of the content type you selected, when viewing its Quick View, toggle on Preview.
  8. Click Save.

Below is the Quick View for an article using the settings in the screenshot above. The example on the left has Preview toggled off, while the one on the right has it toggled on.

Quick View examples.jpg Quick View examples.jpg
Quick View example with Preview off (left) and Preview on (right)
Any Quick View settings you set at your profile level override those set at the site level. For example, if Quick View settings for articles are set at the site level, and you also set Quick View settings for an article on your profile, whenever you view an article's Quick View you will see it as you set it up in your profile.

Any Quick View settings set at the site level, that you do not modify in your profile will display as they were set at the site level. For example, if Quick View settings are set for images at the site level and you do not make any Quick View settings for images in your profile, then when viewing the Quick View for an image you will see it as it was configured at the site level.

See Configuring Quick View at the site level for more information.

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