
Brightspot Integrations Guide


The SEMrush integration displays recommended terms to use in your assets based on popular search keywords.

One strategy for improving your rankings in search results is to incorporate common search keywords into your assets. For example, visitors searching for nearby farmers markets most likely use the familiar terms lettuce and carrot instead of the scientific terms Lactuca sativa and Daucus carota. If you use the familiar terms, then visitors searching for lettuce and carrot have a higher chance of seeing a link to your farmers market in the search results.

When you apply tags to an item, Brightspot sends the tags to SEMrush and displays the resulting keywords. You can then incorporate those keywords into your assets.

The SEMrush integration requires you to have an SEMrush account. For your SEMrush budgeting purposes, consider that Brightspot uses the following API calls:

These calls occur at the following times:

The integration requires an SEMrush account. See .

Including SEMrush in a Brightspot build

The following table lists the dependencies to include in your build configuration.

com.psddev:express-semrushExposes the SemRush site settings, dashboard widgets, content edit widgets, and a Tag modification that creates SemRush metadata based on the Tag.

Runtime prerequisites

  • Developer configuration—N´Ç²Ô±ð.
  • Ops configuration—N´Ç²Ô±ð.
  • CMS configuration—Configure the site interfacing with SEMrush. For details, see Configuring the SEMrush integration.
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Configuring the SEMrush integration
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