Importing Shopify collections into Brightspot
You can use integrated search to import Shopify collections into Brightspot. Importing a Shopify collection also imports the underlying products, so this is the preferred method to do a bulk import of products from Shopify.
To import Shopify collections:
- In Shopify, create a collection and add products to it. For details, see .
- In the Brightspot header, click the search field to open the search panel.
- Under Global Filters, from the Any Content Type filter, select Shopify Collection. Brightspot displays a list of collections associated with the Shopify account configured for the current site.
- Perform an integrated search to identify the Shopify collections you want to import. For details, see Performing integrated searches in Brightspot.
- In the search panel, click the collection you want to import. Brightspot displays the collection and its associated products.
- Click Import.
- Click Publish.
Brightspot imports the Shopify collection and associated products.
For information about the metadata Brightspot ingests with each product, see Importing Shopify products into Brightspot.
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