Anatomy of a content edit page
You create and modify assets in Brightspot by using the content edit page. Though the fields, tabs, and widgets of a content edit page vary by content type, their anatomy is similar.
Editorial toolbar
The editorial toolbar sits at the top of the content edit page.
It contains the following:
- The title of the content type and the name of the asset you are creating or modifying.
- A preview icon () that opens and closes the preview pane. For details, see Previewing content with the preview pane.
- A save () icon that saves an asset that has not yet been published. For details, see Creating a draft.
- A calendar () icon that opens a date picker you can use to schedule a publish event at a set time. For details, see Creating a schedule.
- A workflow or publish button (depending on your site's configuration) that either moves the asset through a workflow or publishes it. For details, see Moving assets through a workflow.
- A More () icon that opens the editorial tools menu containing additional options both before and after publishing.
Each content type contains a number of tabs that house additional fields related to the asset you are creating or modifying.
Though these tabs vary by content type, they often include the following:
- Main—The main set of fields required to build an asset of the selected content type.
- SEO—A set of fields related to search engine optimization. For details, see Configuring SEO for an asset.
- Overrides—A set of fields that override elements of the asset you are creating or modifying.
- Analytics—A dashboard containing analytics relating to the asset you are modifying. For details, see Viewing item-level analytics.
- Translations—A set of fields related to translating the asset into different languages and locales. For details, see the translation service provider documentation found in the Brightspot Integrations Guide.
Side toolbar
The following section applies only to Brightspot v4.8.
The side toolbar contains icons that open various widgets in the widgets section of the content edit page. (In versions prior to v4.8, these widgets exist on the content edit page and are not collapsed into the side toolbar). By default, the widgets are closed to give you more work area/preview area. However, you can select which widgets or additional information you want to see by clicking the appropriate icon in the side toolbar.
Below is an example of a side toolbar with three icons.
- URLs—A widget to manage permalinks and redirects. (In versions of prior to 4.8, the widget is visible by default). An asset's permalink is often auto-generated from the slug field, which itself is auto-generated from the asset's title or headline. For details, see Asset URLs.
- Sites—A widget to manage ownership and access to the asset. (In versions of prior to 4.8, the widget is visible by default). For details, see Sites widget.
- References—A widget that contains links to other assets that reference the asset you are modifying. ts. (In versions of prior to 4.8, the widget is visible by default). For details, see References widget.
- Version History—A widget that lists the version history of the asset you are modifying. (In versions prior to v4.8, this widget is named the Revisions widget).You can compare each revision to the live version of the asset. For details, see Version History widget.
- The Shelf—A widget that allows you to more easily reference and use different assets in the current asset on which you are working. (In versions of prior to 4.8, the widget is visible by default). For details, see Working with The Shelf.
- Conversation—A widget that allows you to leave comments and have conversations with other users in Brightspot. (In versions of prior to 4.8, the widget is visible by default). For details, see Conversation.
If there is a scenario within the side toolbar that prevents the editor from publishing an asset (like a missing required field), the icon where the error is occurring displays in red, helping the editor more easily find the error and correct it.