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On the Record with Rose: Alexa Fox

image of Brightspot employee Alexa Fox

Alexa has been working at Brightspot since March 2018

Despite physically distancing, Rose continued her blog series by going on the record with Alexa Fox. After working in marketing for two years, Alexa recently transitioned into a new role at Brightspot managing the company's mission projects that aim to connect the company and its employees with the community through hands-on activities. During their conversation, they discussed Alexa's new position, her first projects, and how her background in theatre has contributed to her professional success.

How long have you been working at Brightspot? What brought you here?
I started in March 2018, so I have been at Brightspot just over two years. I had been at my previous job for about five years and was looking for a new adventure, a company that offered a lot of growth potential, and an opportunity to be part of a team. Brightspot offered a unique chance to join an up-and-coming marketing team made up of a great group of people.

Late last year, you moved into a new role as the company's Manager, Mission. Can you tell me about your new role and some of your goals moving forward?
I am focused on the logistics and planning of all our mission activities that engage our employees and provide them with opportunities throughout the year to give back to their community. In addition to sustaining the programs we've built over the years, I am looking for new opportunities to engage employees all yearlong. I have also been shadowing Parker to learn more about product management to support the various in-kind projects we do for Special Olympics.

What current projects are you working on?
I have two main focuses at the moment. My main project is the migration and publishing of Special Olympics Virginia's website to Brightspot. We are nearing to the end of that journey and the site looks beautiful. We hope it launches later this month! I am also working to find ways that the company can positively impact our community during this time of social distancing. We are planning a food drive for later this week and also providing employees with a list of ways they can get involved virtually.

I read that you had a unique double major at in both public relations and theatre? How do you think your theatre background has benefited you professionally?
I love this question! When I wrote cover letters at the start of my career, I talked about how my theatre degree gave me an additional competitive edge in the workplace . There are so many lessons that I learned in theatre that can be applied to business situations. You have to work as a team toward a common goal, you have to work within strict time schedule, you have to work with different personalities, you have to take directions well, and you have to be adaptable because, at the end of the day, show must always go on. I am very proud of my theatre background and know that experience has made me a stronger communicator, more comfortable in ever-changing, fast-paced situations, and a creative problem solver.

In 2018, you were part of the team that traveled to Seattle to volunteer at the . What was the highlight of that trip?
While we were in Seattle, our team was in charge of the award ceremonies at two different venues. One of the last days, the announcer for the venue where I was working did not show up, so I had to fill in at the last minute. It was so much fun! Before each ceremony I went back stage to make sure that I was pronouncing the athlete's names correctly and ask if they had any special nicknames. I was announcing awards for powerlifting and all of the athletes had really fun nicknames. There were a lot of high fives, hugs, and flexed biceps! It was so rewarding to work with such a wonderful team of co-workers throughout that week. Coming together for such an amazing event and celebrating July 4th together is something I'll never forget. Many of the people on that trip have become some of my closest friends. It was a truly wonderful experience.

What traits are most important to making successful at your job?
I think enthusiasm and belief in what I'm doing are most important. Brightspot can have an incredibly positive impact on the local area and beyond. The commitment to giving back starts at the top with David and that ideology is part of what attracted me to the company initially. I am genuinely enthusiastic every day about what we are trying to do. I am also a collaborator and this role gives me the opportunity to work with people across the company and our partners outside of it. Lastly, I love planning logistics and enjoy that specific part of this role.

Besides the people, what is your favorite part about working at Brightspot?
I enjoy the growth potential for each person in their individual role. You have access to leadership and the ability to speak up and leave your mark. I love that you can jump in without going through loads of red tape and make a name for yourself.

What are your favorite activities or hobbies to do outside of the office?
I love to travel, go to the movies, and hang out with my friends. In this time of physical distancing, I've been trying to read, work out, and cook as much as possible.

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
The last book I read was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. I loved it! I am a big fan of historical fiction. This book is about two sisters in German occupied France during WWII. The story is based on a composite of true stories of heroic women who contributed to the war effort by aiding British and American soldiers and saving Jewish children from concentration camps. I enjoyed learning more about this part of WWII history that I was unfamiliar with. Currently, I am reading Little Fires Everywhere.

If you could have any superpower, which would you like to have? Why?
I would want the power to teleport because I could easily travel to places like Hawaii, Switzerland, or Australia, whenever I wanted to in just the blink of an eye, even if just for a day.

Rose Pleskow Brightspot employee
About the Author
Rose Pleskow has been working at Brightspot since 2011 as a content and quality assurance specialist. In addition to writing employee profiles, Rose has played a critical role on a variety of client projects with her keen eye for detail and Brightspot publishing expertise. She has contributed to the launch of various projects ranging from SpecialOlympics.org to Amazon Science and Healthgrades.
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