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On the Record with Rose: Laine Davison

Laine has been part of the Brightspot team for five years, starting as an intern and now thriving in her role as a full-time content manager. She has been at the forefront of numerous customer projects, bringing creativity, attention to detail and customer-focused commitment to every task. In this Q&A with Rose, Laine reflects on her dynamic role, from crafting content to collaborating with customers, and shares how each project fuels her passion for delivering exceptional results

image of Brightspot employee Laine Davison

How long have you worked for Brightspot? What brought you here?
I've been with Brightspot for five years, starting as an intern for the first two before transitioning to a full-time role, where I recently celebrated my third anniversary. A friend who interned here before me recommended Brightspot, and it's turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made, as I'm still here and thriving.

What inspired you to become a content creator?
I’ve always liked being a part of the creative world. In college, I studied English and Television, and prior to coming to Brightspot I was doing a lot of sports media broadcasting — mostly on the creative side. It led me down this path of working with our customers to create content for them. While it is fairly different than creating hype videos and doing live sports broadcasting, there’s a ton of overlap. I’m grateful that I’m able to still use the creative side of my brain every day, which makes life very fun.

Can you tell me about the current project you are working on and your role on the team?
We have many ongoing projects, and my role varies daily. Some days I'm editing content for our customers, while other times I'm taking their content and publishing it on their website using our design team's systems. It's up to me and the Creative Services team to make our customers' website and content stand out visually.

Currently, we're redesigning the global websites for one of our biggest customers. After completing the U.S. site, we're now revamping the Swiss and French versions. This involves sourcing new images, learning their updated design system and ensuring the content is fresh and aligned with the new set of brand guidelines. My tasks range from creating content in the CMS, sourcing images and optimizing SEO strategies.

What traits are most important to making you successful at your job?
I naturally like to move fast and get things done, but I’ve come to realize that patience is more valuable than speed. It allows for greater attention to detail, something I didn’t focus on as much before my career at Brightspot. In today’s fast-paced world, where we expect instant communication, I’ve learned the value of waiting for everything to come together, ensuring the final product is polished and high-quality. It’s no longer about delivering quickly to impress clients — it’s about prioritizing quality over haste, and that’s become a core principle for me.

How have you grown professionally since starting at Brightspot?
During my time at Brightspot, I’ve become much more detail-oriented and better at accepting constructive criticism. I'm incredibly grateful for my team’s patience. In the past, especially when I was in school, I tended to take criticism personally. But I’ve come to realize that constructive feedback is intended to help me improve.

Now, when a team member offers a suggestion or critique, instead of feeling hurt, I focus on understanding their perspective and using it to correct any missteps. This has become an important life skill for me. As a type-A personality, I used to feel disappointed when receiving criticism, whether in sports or academics. Now, I see it as a sign that others care enough to help me grow. I’ve learned to appreciate it, embracing mistakes as learning opportunities while staying focused on the details, but not sweating the small stuff too much.

Besides the people, what is your favorite part about working at Brightspot?
Honestly, I think I mentioned it earlier, but my week looks completely different from day to day. Maybe in the past that might have scared me. I think I used to be a creature of habit. With all of the work that we do, all of our customers have different needs and expectations. While some days I might just be in meetings all day, other days I might be writing all day. On another day, I might be heads down publishing a website. The variety keeps me engaged and makes life fun. I love the people here, and since I work on so many different projects, I get to interact with a wide range of colleagues and customers. I truly appreciate that I’m never bored here.

If you could pick another role to try within Brightspot for one week, which would it be and why?
I think working as a QA engineer would be really interesting. I collaborate closely with QA engineers on most of our projects, and I find it exciting how they search for bugs and issues during development. Their role is to test everything thoroughly and ensure the project is solid before deployment, which I think is super cool. They’re the ones making sure there are no cracks in the armor before anything goes live.

I admire how detail-oriented they are, approaching problems from multiple angles and considering various scenarios where things might go wrong. Their ability to think critically about how code or design could be compromised is fascinating. While I may not fully understand every aspect of QA, based on what I’ve seen, I’d love to be more involved in that process.

Last year you were part of the group chosen to participate in a workshop with ScentsAbility candles. What was it like to spend a day there working with their artisans?


That was one of my favorite days last year. I had the best time. Candlemaking is both an art and a science, and meeting the artisans to learn about their daily work and the importance of focusing on every detail was amazing. I had never made candles before, so watching the process was fascinating. The artisans at ScentsAbility are incredibly talented, and they approach their work with such grace and passion. They even tailor the process to each individual's abilities, allowing everyone to participate in their own way. I truly believe in ScentsAbility’s mission, and it was special to be welcomed into their space. Their attention to detail resonated with me, especially as I’m trying to be more detail-oriented in my own life. Watching people create something unique, even if it’s candles and not websites, was inspiring and showed me how those values transfer across different crafts.

What are your favorite activities or hobbies to do outside of the office?
I love going to Orangetheory Fitness classes — especially when my friends and post-workout coffee are involved. I’m also a big reader, something that grew on me over time. As a kid, I watched a lot of TV, much to my family’s dismay, as they always wanted me to be more into books like them. Eventually, I did fall in love with reading, so much so that I became an English major (though I was also a TV major, so my love for TV hasn’t faded). And, honestly, I love a good nap — it’s one of the best ways to relax! Maybe that sounds a little boring, but it works for me.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Before starting my internship here, I studied abroad in Rome during college, and it was an amazing experience. That summer was record-breakingly hot — probably the hottest in history — but it didn’t take away from how incredible it was. I’d love to go back, but this time I’d want to bring all the friends I studied abroad with. It was such a special time, and sharing that experience with them again would be unforgettable. It’s definitely on my bucket list to return — mostly for the gelato, pizza, and pasta. I need all of it!

Rose Pleskow Brightspot employee
About the Author
Rose Pleskow has been working at Brightspot since 2011 as a content and quality assurance specialist. In addition to writing employee profiles, Rose has played a critical role on a variety of client projects with her keen eye for detail and Brightspot publishing expertise. She has contributed to the launch of various projects ranging from SpecialOlympics.org to Amazon Science and Healthgrades.
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