
Rich-text editor

A list of topics pertaining to the rich-text editor in Brightspot.

You can embed a list of quotes into the rich-text editor. The list contains a title, description, and a list of quotes, attributions, and associated images. To embed a list of quotes in the rich-text ...
Tables provide easy-to-visualize layout of related text and media. The following sections describe how to work with tables in the rich-text editor.
Adding hyperlinks to body text increases engagement by encouraging visitors to view additional assets on your site. To add a hyperlink: In the rich-text editor, type and highlight the text that you wa...
You can embed forms directly into your assets using the rich-text editor. Form placed in RTETo embed a form: Place your cursor in the text where you would like the form to be placed. Click Image icon ...
You can embed a product list into the rich-text editor. The list contains a title, short description, promos of each included product, and a call-to-action button. To embed a list of products in the r...
You can embed a list of persons into the rich-text editor. The list contains each person's name, job title, description, and image from the corresponding person. To embed a list of persons in the rich...
You can embed a person's promo into the rich-text editor. The person promo contains the name, description, job title, and image from the corresponding person's promo; you can customize those elements ...
You can embed stat lists directly into your assets using the rich-text editor. State list placed in RTETo embed a stat list: Place your cursor in the text where you would like the stat list to be plac...
You can embed a list of logos into the rich-text editor. The list contains the logo for each company contained in the list. To embed a logo list in the rich-text editor: From the rich-text editor's to...
You can embed a podcast episode list into the rich-text editor. The list contains the podcast episode title, a short description of the podcast episode, and a Play button to launch the podcast episode...
Our robust, flexible Design System provides hundreds of pre-built components you can use to build the presentation layer of your dreams.

Brightspot is packaged with content types that get you up and running in a matter of days, including assets, modules and landing pages.

• Content types
• Modules
• Landing pages
Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

• Dashboards
• Publishing
• Workflows
• Admin configurations
A guide for installing, supporting, extending, modifying and administering code on the Brightspot platform.

• Field types
• Content modeling
• Rich-text elements
• Images
A guide to configuring Brightspot's library of integrations, including pre-built options and developer-configured extensions.

• Google Analytics
• Shopify
• Apple News