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Brightspot Staff

At Brightspot we believe technology should enable content-focused teams to work smarter, faster, and more seamlessly to move businesses forward. With decades of experience in publishing and media, we help companies transform their business content and digital experiences by creating enterprise applications at scale with astonishing speed.

In spite of the challenges of a global pandemic, Colombia's Caracol TelevisiĂłn successfully replatformed onto Brightspot CMS in just four months.
Over the past decade, digital transformation has forced a shift to online channels. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic is only accelerating this process for brands and publishers. A good content hub holds the keys for success.
A robust enterprise content management road map is critical for businesses to seek out the right opportunities to address their unique content management challenges, as well as adapt as strategy and technology shifts.
Companies today are becoming increasingly borderless, meaning it's more common to need multiple sites in multiple languages to support their business. A modern CMS will ensure seamless and consistent multisite management no matter the geography, number of sites or source of original content assets.
In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, delivering personalized customer experiences is no longer a nice to have—it’s an expectation. Consumers gravitate toward the brands that recognize them as individuals at every step of their journey.
Creating a seamless customer journey, making every touchpoint and every user experience flawless, is the key to generating recurring sales. From the website to the brick and mortar store to the mobile app, every channel is an opportunity to create memorable, lasting experiences for consumers.
With digital transformation a priority and a necessity for businesses across the board, here are five ways to accelerate the process and make sure you have the right tools, teams, processes and platform in place to succeed over the long term.
There are many intranet alternatives to SharePoint that can make it easier to publish content to a well-organized, modern intranet. For those considering making a change, Brightspot offers powerful, out-of-the-box tools to transform your company intranet.
With today's always-on technology, a headless CMS approach offers the benefits of flexibility, speed and scalability for digital and editorial leads at media companies.
Your employee intranet serves as an extension of your brand and must be considered alongside all your other digital channels when it comes to extensible, integration-ready intranet CMS solutions.
B2B publishers need a CMS solution that can adapt with the changing digital landscape and drive transformation and revenue performance.
With distributed teams and remote-work environments increasingly taking hold, flexible and adaptable content development workflows are key to delivering a successful digital content strategy.
Created to empower both editors and developers, Brightspot’s authoring tools promote collaboration and maximize usability. We explore four authoring features, as well as the reasons why we incorporated each one into the CMS.
Here are five benefits developers—and, by extension, their projects—get from a headless CMS.
Modern headless content management system platforms can give you the flexibility you need to change—but there are four things to consider first.
Brightspot frees users from traditional backend complexities involved in data modeling, allowing them to quickly adapt to any future changes.
Find out how Walmart uses horizontal storytelling to connect with their audience and instill belief in the brand.
As a technical leader, finding the right CMS for your organization will require flexibility, and that isn’t always easy for some platforms.
Legacy CMS systems, tight deadlines, or lack of clarity on how the data is being used—all of these contribute to headaches when conducting content migrations.
With content teams and objectives constantly in flux, the business rules of how you create content may change over time—and communicating those changes is critical.
To keep content teams and collaborators up-to-date when using the Brightspot CMS, users can manage notifications based on workflow triggers.
Rebranding your website can be an overwhelming task with many different moving parts. Learn from Special Olympic's website rebranding experience and 5 key takeaways to think about before starting your own project.
With many people out of work and struggling to make ends meet, the Brightspot team came together to do what we do best–getting off the sidelines to help those who need it most.
We recently had a chat with Christine Medina, Ad Council’s VP of Digital Product, about how they leverage microsites to draw attention and action to the various public service campaigns they run. With dozens of active campaigns, ensuring a smooth process is essential to them.

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Hear how Brightspot can turn your digital strategy goals into a reality and see how the lives of your content creators and developers will be changed using our platform.

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