
Bulk actions

A list of topics pertaining to using bulk actions in Brightspot.

With bulk archiving, you can archive many assets at once. To bulk archive items: In the search panel, do one of the following: Search for and filter the assets you want to archive. Click More Horiz ic...
This topic explains how to edit assets in bulk in Brightspot. To bulk edit multiple assets: In the search panel, do one of the following: Search for and filter the assets you want to edit. Click More ...
With bulk restoring, you can restore many archived assets at once. To bulk restore assets: In the search panel, do one of the following: Search for and filter the assets you want to restore. Click Mor...
Once a bulk schedule is created, you may need to enter that schedule to view its contents or make changes. You might also want to work on some assets and directly add them to a bulk schedule via the b...
Once a bulk schedule is created, you may find it necessary to modify the schedule, or even delete it. To edit a bulk schedule: Enter the bulk schedule you want to edit. For details, see Entering and e...
This topic explains how to create a bulk schedule. To create a bulk schedule: In the dashboard’s Scheduled Events widget, click New Schedule. Add a Name and Description for the schedule. In the Trigge...
Assets can be added to bulk schedules from the bulk schedule or while in bulk-scheduling mode. See Bulk Scheduling for more information on these two concepts. Both methods have the same effect in that...
This topic explains how to exit a bulk schedule. Bulk scheduling mode.png To exit a bulk schedule: In the bulk scheduling confirmation message, click Stop Scheduling. Bulk schedule confirmation.png
With Brightspot's bulk scheduling feature, you can schedule many assets to be published on the same date.
With Brightspot's scheduling tools, you can create an asset and automatically publish it at a later time.
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