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Integration spotlight: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

With the AMP integration, Brightspot allows publishers to easily publish accelerated mobile pages that help pages load quickly and improve Google search results.

Image of Google Amp logo for software integration with Brightspot CMS

Web browsers often suffer from slow-loading content, particularly with large media files, leading to user frustration. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source web publishing technology that accelerates delivery of pages by requiring code to include certain features and exclude others.

By using AMP, publishers can optimize their content so it loads quickly on all devices. The median load time for AMP-coded content (which includes a lightning bolt icon when displayed in Google search results) is 0.7 seconds, compared to 22 seconds for non-AMP pages.

AMP and Brightspot: How it works

With the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) integration, Brightspot delivers published websites to mobile devices much faster than with traditional HTML. Note that not all web pages or sites need AMP; some of Brightspot's standard features provide AMP-like effects. As a best practice, first evaluate your content, target audience and competition before integrating AMP into your Brightspot project. Once you configure the AMP integration and develop AMP-compliant templates, Brightspot uses these templates to deliver content almost instantaneously to your visitors.

AMP and Brightspot: Use cases

  • A wildlife website relies on high-resolution, full-bleed images to drive its content and readership. Editors use the AMP Brightspot integration to post stories, pages and galleries live, ensuring everything loads quickly and seamlessly for readers on all devices.
  • A leading sports media company鈥檚 scoreboard feature keeps fans up to date on game highlights, results and recaps. Using AMP, editors can publish real-time updates that refresh and load quickly across all channels.
With the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) integration, Brightspot delivers published websites to mobile devices much faster than with traditional HTML.

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