
Brightspot CMS Developer Guide

Viewing sitemap background tasks

When you save the Sitemap plugin configuration, the server loads background tasks for sitemap generation. You can view the current states of the site background tasks with the Task Status tool.

To view Sitemap background tasks:

  1. In your web browser, navigate to http://brightspot-host/_debug/.
  2. Click Background Tasks.

Under Miscellaneous Tasks are the sitemap tasks: SiteMapTask if you enabled standard or video sitemaps, and NewsSiteMapTask if you enabled news sitemaps.

Miscellaneous tasks Miscellaneous tasks
Miscellaneous Tasks list

The Site Map Executor Queues section shows the status of the loaded sitemap tasks. The following example shows that two sitemap tasks have run, one for the standard sitemap and one for the news sitemap. The tasks are instances of SiteMapEntryConsumer, which read sitemap entries from an input queue, process (consume) the entries, and generate the sitemap XML files.

Sitemap executor.png Sitemap executor.png
Sitemap executor

In the above example—

  • The Name column lists the tasks instances, and the Progress column shows the current state of the tasks. The first instance of SiteMapEntryConsumer ran one time and processed 4,457 entries to generate the standard sitemap. The second instance of SiteMapEntryConsumer ran one time in an attempt to generate the news sitemap, but did not find any sitemap entries less than 48 hours old. Both tasks are currently stopped.
  • Under Site Map Executor Queues, the Production table shows the input queues for sitemap entries, and the Consumption table lists the consuming tasks that processed the sitemap entries and generated the sitemap XML files.

Because the tasks are not currently running, the input queues in the Production table are empty; however, when the tasks ran previously, the first instance of SiteMapEntryConsumer successfully read and processed 4,457 entries, and the second instance of SiteMapEntryConsumer had no sitemap entries in the queue to process.

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