
Feature spotlight: Revisions improvements
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Feature spotlight: Revisions improvements

Review and compare versions of your content, down to every detail, to ensure accidental changes aren't published. See versions of your content, at the module level, to gain complete visibility into your content's lifecycle and editing history. Enhance your team's ability to manage, track and review changes seamlessly, regardless of when they occur, so you can publish with complete confidence.


When you create an asset in Brightspot, it begins as a draft. Once that draft is saved or published, any subsequent updates are logged as revisions.

Brightspot automatically saves every version of your content and logs it in the revisions widget. This feature allows you to revert to any previous version whenever you need.

When you compare a revision to the live version of an article, differences are clearly highlighted—additions in green and deletions in red—making it easy to spot changes.

In the latest version of our platform, we've added a new layer to these revision differences. Now, you can see detailed changes in enhancements within the rich text editor.

When comparing revisions, an icon appears on the enhancement bar. Click it to expand and review changes in greater detail.

These enhancements apply to unordered and ordered lists, tables, and all other enhancement types, including images, videos, and modules. For example, here’s how the promo module details are displayed.

The best part? No additional configuration or development is needed to enable this feature. It’s ready to use right out of the box.

Keep track of every change with enhanced revisions in Brightspot. Ensure your content is always at its best!