
Brightspot Content Types Guide

Setting the user displayed filters for site search

When setting up your site search page, you can specify which filters are visible to your visitors by configuring the User Displayed Filters field. This can be useful in cases where you want to make sure visitors to your site are searching for information relevant to them. Visitors may not need to search for tags, but do need to be able to search for sections. By using this field, you can specify which filters are available on site search and which are not.

To set the user displayed filters:

  1. Complete the steps outlined in Site search page.
  2. Click add_circle_outline Add in the User Displayed Filters field, and select the type of filters you would like to make available to visitors of this site search page.
  3. For each filter selected, do the following:
    1. The Heading of the selected type defaults to the type name. You can override this with your own text if needed.
    2. Expand the Include <selected type> field and make a selection from the following choices:
      The name of this field varies based on the type of filter you select. For example, if you select to include sections as a User Displayed Filter, this field will be named Include Sections.
      • All—Includes all available items in the User Displayed Filters on the site search page.
      • All, Except—Includes all available items in the User Displayed Filters on the site search page, except the ones you select. Click add_circle_outline Add Item to select the items to exclude.
      • Some—Allows you to specify which items to include in the User Displayed Filters on the site search page. Click add_circle_outline Add Item to select the items to include.
    3. To select one or more of the filters by default for your visitors:
      1. Click add_circle_outline Add Item in the Default Values field.
      2. Add all of the items to be selected by default for your visitors on the site search page.
      Site search completed user displayed filters field.jpg Site search completed user displayed filters field.jpg
      Completed User Displayed Filters field with default selected and displayed in preview

    In the image above, you see sections were selected as a User Displayed Filter. The Heading was changed to Top Sections, from the default Sections. Two of the available sections have been included (BSP_Culture and BSP_Benefits), with BSP_Benefits being selected in the Default Values field (so it is checked by default on the site search page). Looking at the preview to the right of the field form, you see both Benefits and Culture listed under Top Sections and Benefits is selected by default.

  4. Complete your site's workflow and publish the asset.
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