
Brightspot Content Types Guide

Importing tags

You can import tags from an external file. Using this feature may be easier than adding tags individually.

To upload tags:

  1. In the header, click add.
  2. From the Create list, select Tag CSV Importer. A content edit page appears.
  3. Click Download CSV Template. Your browser downloads a CSV file. The columns in the CSV file correspond to some of fields in the table Creating a tag.
  4. Populate the CSV file.
  5. In the New Tags CSV Importer content edit page, click Choose, and navigate to your populated CSV file.
  6. In the editorial toolbar, click Import.

Brightspot imports the tags, and displays the results in a log file.

Brightspot uses the following validation rules when importing tags:

  • Display Name is a required field; all other fields are optional.
  • Display Name must be unique in the CSV file and not already exist in Brightspot. If a display name occurs more than once, Brightspot imports the first occurrence and flags the other occurrences as an error.
  • If the URL field is blank, Brightspot creates it from the Display Name field.
  • If the SEO Title field is blank, Brightspot creates it from the Display Name field.
  • If the SEO Keywords field has more than one keyword, separate them with a comma (White Roses, Red Roses).
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