Microsites /cms-use-cases/microsites Microsites en-US Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:30:06 GMT What's the difference between a website and a microsite? /cms-use-cases/microsites/difference-between-website-and-microsite Microsites are generally intended to support specific digital campaign goals that diverge slightly from your main website or require a dedicated set of styles, content and calls to action in support of the campaign. Let's delve deeper into the ways a microsite differs to a website, and how your CMS needs to be configured to support microsite creation. Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:30:06 GMT /cms-use-cases/microsites/difference-between-website-and-microsite Building a world of inclusivity with a dynamic and accessible content platform /customers/case-studies/special-olympics Special Olympics wanted to improve their website experience, streamline publishing processes and increase fundraising results. Learn how Brightspot helped them achieve all three. Wed, 30 Sep 2020 16:00:24 GMT /customers/case-studies/special-olympics Your 5-step guide to launching a successful microsite /cms-use-cases/microsites/your-5-step-guide-to-launching-a-successful-microsite The five most effective ways to maximize your microsites and, in turn, expand your organization’s capabilities and grow your business. Mon, 21 Jan 2019 15:09:48 GMT /cms-use-cases/microsites/your-5-step-guide-to-launching-a-successful-microsite How Special Olympics spreads its message of inclusivity with its portfolio of unique microsites /cms-use-cases/microsites/special-olympics-brand-storytelling-with-microsites Does having all the power and efficiency of one integrated website, but the ability to spin out highly targeted microsites appeal to your organization? If so, learn here how one Brightspot customer is getting all that and more—and seeing immediate results in terms of audience engagement, SEO performance and brand awareness. Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:02:34 GMT /cms-use-cases/microsites/special-olympics-brand-storytelling-with-microsites The power of the modern microsite /cms-use-cases/microsites/the-power-of-the-modern-microsite Find out how they work, when they're most useful and how microsites enable you to drive engagement without disrupting your main site. Thu, 10 Jan 2019 22:51:19 GMT /cms-use-cases/microsites/the-power-of-the-modern-microsite Are you making the most of your microsites? It depends on the CMS /cms-use-cases/microsites/are-you-making-the-most-of-your-microsites-it-depends-on-the-cms Learn why legacy CMS platforms can waste several hours and thousands of dollars—and how to counter the microsite problem. Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:11:21 GMT /cms-use-cases/microsites/are-you-making-the-most-of-your-microsites-it-depends-on-the-cms