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3 ways a modern CMS helps businesses enhance their digital ecosystem

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At Brightspot we are always talking about the importance of content, and that's because consumer demand for content continues to increase. To meet this demand, businesses are expanding the depth and breadth of their content offerings. This is a positive trend, as brands are producing more of what consumers want so they can make good decisions and find satisfaction. However, as a result companies are seeing an increase in the volume of their digital assets—everything from images, microsites, articles, videos, infographics and more. More than ever, organizations need a system to effectively allow them to manage their brand narrative in a unified digital ecosystem. This is key because brands that are presented consistently are 3.5 times more likely to have strong brand visibility than those with an inconsistent brand presentation, according to a report from Demand Metric. In this piece, we’ll explore how Brightspot's many out-of-the-box features can help you quickly and easily create, manage and control the various moving parts within your digital ecosystem.

Create order with pre-built styles, templates and modules

For companies that are looking to transform fast, Brightspot's business-ready CMS allows companies—regardless of size or technical expertise—to launch their own fully functional digital experiences in record time, with no limits to future enhancements or integrations.

This element of speed extends to out-of-the-box features and functionality for businesses across a number of different use cases—from media entities to B2B publishers to corporate communications teams—get the right content in front of readers, customers, employees and viewers, no matter the channel or medium.

Different content types—like articles, press releases, email newsletters, product pages and more—can be quickly created and published by teams looking to move fast and communicate effectively to multiple audiences through flexible, easily configurable content types.

No need to repeat the same laborious tasks with pre-programmable content templates, while shared content modules enable rapid content re-use and segmentation to amplify and target your messaging by device, persona, interests and more.

The end result is teams that are empowered to publish at speed but also with maximum efficiency and brand consistency. The solution here is a unified content hub that builds in automation wherever possible and can act as the true pulse of your organization's digital ecosystem.

Keep track of all your content via powerful search

People rarely view physical assets anymore, and this change has only been hastened by the coronavirus pandemic. According to a , U.S. adults spent an average of almost eight hours per day with digital media in 2020, a 15% increase from 2019. By 2022, time spent with digital media will account for 60.2% of total U.S. media time. With so many content options for consumers who spend more time online, brands need the demand with a continual stream of new and engaging content assets. They also need to distribute these assets across channels in a personalized way to keep customers engaged.

Yes, as content volumes are growing, roadblocks appear for the teams behind it all. So what's the solution from a digital asset management perspective?

The answer here is that the right technology solution can step to the fore and break the gridlock. Technology that helps you find and organize the information you need, but also that can help tell what assets you have to hand and even suggest ideas for assets that you might not even have realized were available.

At Brightspot, everything for us starts and centers around search, which is an persistent feature that's available wherever you are in the CMS. No need to go digging through folders like you might do in clunky legacy CMS solutions, while every search is powered with asset-specific filters to let you quickly and seamlessly find what you need.

Taking it a step further, Brightspot's powerful search-driven UI lets you quickly view and understand information for any given asset, including where and how often it's being used throughout your entire digital ecosystem.

Integrations with AI-powered tools like Amazon Rekogniton can give you suggestions for related tags and metadata for various assets, while federated search capabilities let editors and marketers quickly source media assets via third-party vendors like Getty Images and Shutterstock, all directly within the CMS at the asset level.

Reduced context switching is one major benefit from a content hub like Brightspot CMS, which is designed to bring order and consistency to the creative process. And this extends to driving consistency for content assets that still needs to reside and be managed in systems outside of your central hub for content operations.

Let us explain.

As an editor, your legal team needs to review all documents via Dropbox before publication. Your design team uses Box as its digital-asset management of choice for all art and creative assets.

A flexible, integration-ready CMS solution like Brightspot is designed to talk to all these third-party systems while retaining a "single source of truth" chain of custody for each given asset regardless of version history and publication status.

Organize creative processes and teams through permissions, roles and workflows

One of the key components to a well-functioning content process is people who need to work seamlessly together, another area where Brightspot steps to the fore to make this easier. A key component is making sure that people know what they need to work on and can see the status and progress of their work.

With Brightspot, businesses can create real-time workflows, roles and permissions. Publishers can configure roles and permissions for contextual experiences that are personalized for employees at all levels, meaning that only people who need access get it at the right times. You can also customize content forms for local teams or departments to help them focus on only the most essential fields and assets as they complete their work.

It's also possible to vary workflows by content type, such as having different flows for articles versus pages versus media asset. In the case of a big new product announcement, for example, this would let the corporate communications team focus on press releases and the media team focus on the homepage so each team can work more efficiently towards the same goal.

Another use case would extend to digital newsrooms: give reporters scaled-down permissions to draft and submit but not to publish; reporters might be able to read only on certain fields, while editors can oversee each step of the process; and SEO or social-media team can see a different view of the article asset to focus their time and efforts on adding the relevant metadata and promo details for social.

Revision history in the CMS is another key feature for orderly content production. For instance, you can access an instant rollback to a previous version and see who changed a page when. Meanwhile, fully customizable dashboards give you full visibility into the status of in-production content and let you add various widgets to track recent activity throughout your CMS. Notifications for email, SMS or Slack bring the necessary information to your teams for review at every stage of the process, whether that's a conversation trigger, workflow step or new content publishing update.

Forget outdated spreadsheets and workflow tracking systems. Collaborate directly (and efficiently) with your CMS through every step of the content creation process. In a world where content supports brand image, which is key to securing and maintaining a loyal customer base, Brightspot helps digital and editorial teams with content output and collaboration. This enables them to focus on the future, and be ready for what’s next for their business.


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