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7 ways Brightspot's automation capabilities boost productivity and accelerate workflows

How editorial teams can use digital asset management to effectively streamline workflows illustration

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, disconnected tech stacks can slow your team down. Manual data transfers, custom integrations and inefficient workflows create barriers that impact productivity and collaboration. Brightspot is here to change that with a suite of new automation capabilities. Here are seven ways Brightspot’s integration-ready platform can help your teams work smarter, faster and more collaboratively.

Seamless editorial workflows

Disconnected tools often create barriers for editorial teams leading to inefficiencies and delays. With Brightspot, automate the flow of content and data seamlessly between platforms making editorial production smoother and more efficient.

Automatically distribute content created in the CMS to platforms like Mailchimp or HubSpot or trigger task creation in Asana directly from your CMS. This automation reduces manual work and speeds up your content pipeline.

Empowering marketing teams with automated workflows

Marketing teams often face complex workflow setups that require IT support. Brightspot simplifies this with a drag-and-drop interface allowing marketers to create and manage workflows without needing a developer.

When content is created in the CMS, it can be automatically distributed to Mailchimp or HubSpot. Simultaneously, tasks can be generated in Asana ensuring that your marketing efforts are streamlined and efficient.

Enhanced knowledge management

Managing knowledge across disconnected systems can be a challenge. Brightspot connects various knowledge management tools ensuring that content and data flow freely, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

When content is created in the CMS, it can automatically trigger the creation of a JIRA ticket for a technical review. Alternatively, content created in Google Docs can be converted into CMS articles, blog posts, press releases or any content type, simply by moving it to a specific folder, saving time and reducing errors.

Streamlined corporate marketing

Corporate marketing teams often manage large-scale campaigns that require a connected and efficient tech stack. Brightspot automates content flow and data management — making it easier to execute campaigns at scale.

Content created in the CMS can be automatically sent to Mailchimp or HubSpot for distribution. Webinar registrations can be seamlessly integrated into your CRM and new articles can trigger task creation in Asana or other project management tools.

Optimized media and publishing workflows

Media and publishing teams benefit greatly from a connected tech stack. Brightspot automates the distribution of content and the management of tasks, breaking down silos between tools and teams.

Articles created in Google Docs or SharePoint can be automatically converted into CMS content. When a piece of content requires imagery, a Slack notification can be automatically sent to your design team ensuring that every part of the workflow is connected and efficient.

Content-to-commerce automation

In the world of content-driven commerce, disconnected tools can hinder the customer experience. Brightspot connects your CMS with e-commerce tools, helping to automate workflows that will enhance customer interactions and boost sales.

When a shopper signs up for your loyalty program, Brightspot can automatically create contacts in your email service like HubSpot and trigger drip campaigns. If a product goes out of stock, your team can receive alerts via Slack, email and text, ensuring quick action.

Cross-functional collaboration

One of Brightspot’s biggest strengths is fostering collaboration across different departments. By acting as the glue between tools, Brightspot enables teams to work more cohesively and efficiently.

Integrate project management, content creation and marketing platforms to ensure all teams are aligned and informed. Trigger notifications for feedback or approval in Slack, for example, and approve right then and there, while the content is automatically progressed to the next stage in the CMS without even needing to log in to the platform.


Brightspot’s integration-ready platform is more than just a CMS; it’s a powerful tool that transforms how your teams work. By automating workflows, connecting tools and breaking down silos, Brightspot boosts productivity, accelerates workflows and enhances collaboration across your organization.

Ready to see how Brightspot can revolutionize your workflows? Explore our platform and discover the endless possibilities for your team.


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